академия футбола Тамбов
The city of Rybinsk

Dear heads of the enterprises and individual businessmen!

In conformity with the decision of the head of city district the city of Rybinsk from 21.08.2009 N 3194 «About the statement of the Order of carrying out of the fairs having a temporality, on territories of city district the city of Rybinsk» for participation in a trade fair, организуемой within the limits of a holiday «Day of a merchant» 12.09.2009 years, are necessary to make an application the established sample in department of a consumer commodity market and services of administration of of Rybinsk (street the Worker, 1, каб.301) and to conclude the contract on granting of a trading place at fair.

Demand and contract forms are applied.

Contact phone 26-55-92

The chief of department of a consumer commodity market and services


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