The city of Rybinsk

On June, 5th
The world day of protection

Annually in our city on June, 5th in the World day of preservation of the environment action carrying out are summed up

Days of protection against ecological danger.

Traditionally in a city actions have been organised and carried out: a month on sanitary cleaning and an accomplishment city territories, liquidation of not authorised dumps, clearing of water security zones, planting of trees, bushes, competitions, exhibitions, festivals, conferences on ecology problems.

From April, 6th till May, 8th, 2009 in a city there has passed a month on sanitary cleaning and an accomplishment of territories of our city.

In a month on spring cleaning of a city have accepted

Participation labour collectives of 42 enterprises of various patterns of ownership and 1554 enterprises of the consumer market. The housing enterprises of a city put in order 1476 придомовых territories, 541,1 thousand м2 loose territories. In total during carrying out of a month from city territories it has been taken out 3076 м3 dust. 11 dumps of dust are liquidated, the volume of dumps has made 193 м3. In a city territories of parks, green zones have been arranged well. Green plantings are landed. МАУ municipal economy Management and МУП Зеленстрой have landed more than 70 trees, have broken beds in different areas of a city. By the enterprise of Open Society "НПО" Saturn ”it is landed more than 100 birches and pines.

This year inhabitants of microdistricts of a city have more actively joined in month carrying out on sanitary cleaning and an accomplishment of domestic territories: мкр. Мариевка and мкр. Мариевка-1 (before. Silagina G. V, Tishinova G. P's PLAITS), мкр. Volga (before. Vinogradova N.N.'s PLAITS), мкр. Coastal (before. Kostjuk N.F.'s PLAITS), мкр. Заволжье-1, мкр. Заволжье-2 (before. Lebedeva N.N., Misureva G. G's PLAITS), мкр. Ягутка (before. Zholobova V. I's PLAITS), мкр. Searches (before. Pirozhkova E.D.'s PLAITS), мкр. Zapahomovsky (before. Mironov G. A's PLAITS), мкр. The western settlement (before. PLAITS Mukhin V. D). Inhabitants of microdistrict “Зачеремушный” (before. Smirnova V. K's PLAITS) have spent субботник in park of Feygin.

Within the limits of carrying out of Days of protection against ecological danger the special attention has been given ecological formation which gets the increasing value in maintenance of ecological safety and a society sustainable development.

In МОУ ДОД the Children's ecological centre actions have successfully been carried out:

Regional stage of the International children's ecological forum the Green planet, Day of birds, the action "Primrose", Х City ecological festival “Live, the Earth!”, the action Pure coast. Participants of actions became more than 750 children.

Winners and prize-winners in separate nominations of a steel:

-Veselov Anastas, Soloveva Veronica, Tkachenko Leonid, Шабаршина Крестина (the action "Primrose");

-Pulin Alexander, Mikheyev Anastas, Karamyshev Andrey, Kozhin Artem, Шумилин Илья, Палочкин Илья, Malakhov Ivan (a forum stage the Green planet);

-SOSH №21, the Grammar school №18, СОШ №33 (competition of propaganda teams);

-Krjukova Ekaterina, Соболева the Barbarian, Gustov Anastas (art competition);

-Sokolov Vadim, Tsvetkov Alexey, Trapezina Alain (competition of photoworks);

-Akenteva Anna, Smirnov Egor, Виноградова Love (literary competition).

With a view of increase of knowledge of the population concerning ecology and within the limits of realisation of the library program “Ecology and we” in TORMENTS the Central library system of of Rybinsk in carrying out of Days of protection against ecological danger to townsmen have been organised and held book exhibitions, conversations, reviews, games, ecological conversations, presentations of books. Information-practical conference youth Health is spent: problems and hopes of the future, devoted to questions of protection of environment, physical and psychological health of people in which ecologists have taken part, workers of library sphere, representatives of administration, workers of public health services, and simply not indifferent citizens. The quantity of visitings of mass actions has reached this year 2049 persons, from them children till 14 years of 1348 persons. It is given out the population of 6236 copies of books on ecology.

In May, 18-21th the city of Rybinsk became one of participants of the charitable ecological action "preserve", which was organised by the enterprise of Open Society "РусГидро" and its branch “Cascade of Verhnevolzhsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS”. 125 persons have taken part In the ecological action: students of pedagogical and polygraphic colleges, young regional specialists from the Center of children's and youthful tourism and excursions, schoolboys, pupils переборского children's home and townspeople, not indifferent to cleanliness of native places. Among places which were cleaned from household dust, were: a city beach and park of rest, coast of the Rybinsk water basin at микр. Searches and at settlement the Shipyard. For two days it has been collected more than 26 м3 a waste.

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